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What is a Mongoose Box?
What you have is a rough-made wooden box with a screened front that looks like a cage. Maybe rope handles on each end.
Any size or shape will really work.
If you'd like, it can be decorated with a water bottle and wood chips in the screened section to further enhance the illusion that something lives there. It's up to you.
The secret something...
Maybe the lid has spring hinges that snap the lid open. Or a catapult arm inside, pulled by sling-shot tubing. You could use a flat spring steel strip or even compressed air. There are many ways to do it. A latch holds the lid closed until the right moment.
Inside the box is a piece of fur.
The dangerous creature...
This fur can be whatever you can find. The tail from an old Dan'l Boone cap, a piece of fur from the collar of an old coat found at a rummage sale, or even a flap of fake fur from a craft store. I'm sure you get the idea.
Watch 'em jump!
When you open the latch, the fur flies out at your victim. They will scream or yell and maybe even do a little hop, skip, and a jump for you trying to escape being mauled by the ferocious... fur.
This is even better when you have a witness or two who have already been scared witless by the durn thing. For some reason, old victims are the first to set up new ones. Isn't human nature precious?
P.S. Is this entire website all about a single gag? Yep!
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